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Green Compound Time

1. Project description:
The “GREEN COMPOUND TIME” project is an investment programme aimed at expanding the corporate production capacities.

2. Purpose:
The expansion consists of an investment in new technologies.
The goal is to extend the production chain in order to allow PLASTITIME to effectively and efficiently manage the production of polymer granules.

3. Achievements:
The aim is to improve the current production capacity in order to meet market needs in an innovative way.

4. Financial support received:
The project with code ID_DOM: ISO109412 – CUP C95H22000430008 – COR 9388764 has been admitted to the “Sustainable Investments 4.0” grant, issued by the Ministry of Economic Development (now Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy) according to the DM of 10/02/2022.
The project benefits from the “REACT – EU” resources for the Priority Axis VI of the National Operational Programme (PON) “Enterprise and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 – “Project Funded as part of the Union response to the Covid-19 pandemic”.